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Sunday, 17 February 2013

Survey Results - Part 1 of Indie Author Survey

In January of 2013 Suckers Guild conducted a survey of independent writers.  The original survey can be found here: Indie Author Survey: What You Need.

After a month of responses have been calculated, here are the end results:

1. How Often Do you Write?

Most "how to" books on writing suggest you should write every day if you want to get better at your craft.  Well, if the numbers are accurate more than 70% of people are not following the experts' advice.

I've started giving myself Sundays off. I need a day of rest because I'm doing so much.  Taking time off to recharge is understandable.  However, if you are only writing 3 days a week because you don't "feel" like writing you need to look at your habits.

Writing is a skill.  You need to practice it. If you only write when the feeling hits you it will take you forever to complete anything.

2. On Average, How Many Pages Do You Write Per Session?

More than half surveyed write under 6 pages a day. Now, ask yourself why? Is it because you are editing as you write? The experts say that is a big no-no for first drafts. I average 5-6 pages a day. I won't stop until I've hit 5 pages even if the work is rubbish.

It's truly a question of discipline, not talent.  Only  a few very experienced writers are able to self-edit as they go. My best advice for newer writers is finish the book. A garage first draft is better than a marvelous first chapter any day.

3. Are You a Pantsing (e.g. "seat of your pants") Writer or a Plotter?

Looks like those surveyed are not heavy plotters. Do you believe there is any relationship between plotting and quality of the work? Sound off in the comments below.

4. What Do You Do On Your Days Off From Writing?

Is your day job getting in the way of your writing? Are you spending so much time networking that you no longer have time to write?

The experts (and I'm thinking specifically of Julia Cameron) will tell you that you need to write every day. Even if it is only 20 minutes. Don't applaud yourself for find 1/2 an hour to write. If you're serious about writing you need to start allocating time for it. If it is important enough to you, you will find the time.

Part Two can now be found here: Part 2 of Indie Author Survey Results

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