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Sunday, 25 August 2013

Viral Marketing Checklist - 7 Things You Should Be Doing on Twitter


Twitter is not the place to sell your books. It's a place to get other people to sell your books for you.

Too many authors turn their Twitter accounts into billboards. Or worse: infomercials.  Ask yourself, how often do you tweet the following:
  • please buy my book
  • please like me on Facebook
  • my books are on sale today
Now check the Twitter account of a successful writer you admire. Check to see how often HE or SHE tweets about buying a book.

  1. It is social media. Be social.
  2. Have conversations about things other than books.
  3. Respond to people's tweets and retweet them.
  4. Be funny without being offensive.
  5. Tweet things related to topics trending on Twitter.
  6. Tweet about current events.
  7. Live tweet during your favorite shows or while at conventions.

Must-Read Links on Social Media for Writers:
Twitter for Authors by Jonathon Gunson
Social Media Train Wreck Authors Must Avoid

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